
Volumetric analysis of the ICLR 2025 review process

I was a reviewer for ICLR 2025. I spent a lot of time writing my reviews and engaging with the review process. Much more than (most of) the reviews on my submissions. I was curious about the size of other reviewers’ reviews and also the amount of author–reviewer discussion that goes on during the review period.

ICLR 2025 is special because all reviews and discussion happens in the open, on OpenReview. I took inspiration from prior work and wrote a script to download all abstracts and all comments via the OpenReview API, then did battle with matplotlib and timezones for a couple of hours, et voilà.

The script and usage instructions are available on GitHub.

Timeline of posts and comments

Timeline of ICLR 2025 posts and comments.

One aspect of the ‘volume’ of discussion is the number of posts by authors and reviewers each day. I was interested in when authors and reviewers post rebuttals and replies. It turned out to be no harder to extract information on all posts from abstracts to withdrawals, which gives a more holistic picture of activity during the review period. The above plots the number of each type of event per day (logarithmic scale for the counts, the spike at the review deadline is really sharp on a linear scale).


This puts my experience as a reviewer and author into perspective.


Wordcounts for different fields

Histogram of word counts for ICLR 2025 posts and comments.

Another aspect of the ‘volume’ of discussion is the number of words in each comment. Actually, what I was really interested in was the number of words in each review, because I had a feeling that I may have written the longest review at ICLR this year (based on the length of my reviews and based on reading Bastian Rieck’s post about ICLR 2019 review lengths). So, I scraped the contents of the reviews and comments, counted words (nothing fancy, just len(markdown_source.split())) and histogrammed the results.


This puts my experience as a reviewer into perspective… I wrote pretty long reviews. However, in order to preserve anonymity, I will neither confirm nor deny that I am responsible for that 7000 word review.

Future work

This is probably all I have the energy for until next year. But here are some more questions about volume I would be curious to see plots for: